#NewMuseum — 2015 Triennial: Surround Audience


In the modern era, technology has changed much of society and has influenced the way people think. On Thursday, April 2, 2015, I had gone to Donation Night at the New Museum in Bowery, New York. I have not gone to the New Museum for a while and it was a beautiful day in the city.

The current exhibition on display at the museum is the 2015 Triennial: Surround Audience and it will be on display until Sunday, May, 24, 2015. I really enjoyed the exhibition and each of the art pieces had a emotional movement. There were art videos, sculptures, paintings, and photos depicting the outcomes of how society has changed with the evolution of technology. Technology has made society heavily dependent and artists around the world are creating pieces that can represent the social change. Here is the link to learn more about the exhibition: http://www.newmuseum.org/exhibitions/view/the-generational-triennial.

Also, I have taken some photos of some of my favourite pieces and hope you enjoy:

– km xoxo